
Share your best idea to improve the lives of older adults in our communities.

Please read all of the requirements before completing each section. All applications must be in English. The Project Title, Project Description, Executive Summary, and Video Presentation may be published on this website; the remainder of your application will be viewed ONLY by challenge administrators, peer reviewers, and judges.

Be sure to review your application as it will appear after it’s been submitted (link at the bottom of the page) and confirm your changes have been saved. When you have completed all of the requirements, a message will be displayed on the screen. At that point, you can submit your final application. Once you have submitted the application, you will no longer be able to make changes and the status on your dashboard will confirm submission (you will not receive an automated email confirmation).

You must submit your application no later than Tuesday, May 10, 2022 at 5:00 PM Eastern.


Offer a brief and compelling overview of your proposal. Avoid using jargon, abbreviations, or language that a layperson may not understand.

Project Title (10 words)

Provide the title of your project. Choose a name that easily identifies and distinguishes your project.

Project Description (25 words)

Provide a one-sentence description of your project.

Project Category

The Healthy Aging Challenge seeks transformative ideas that meaningfully impact older adults in southwestern Pennsylvania, celebrating their resilience, wisdom, and contributions to our communities. Project categories may include, but are not limited to, those listed below. While your project may address multiple categories, please select one that best describes your primary focus area.

  • Age-friendly community development, including aging in place
  • Age-friendly economic development
  • Civic participation and volunteerism for older adults
  • Intergenerational programming
  • Reducing ageism and social isolation
  • Skill-building and employment for professional caregivers
  • Technology for caregivers
  • Technology for older adults
  • Other

Executive Summary (150 words)

Write a one-paragraph overview of your project that answers the following three questions:  

  • What is a brief description of the problem that you are trying to solve?
  • How will you solve it?
  • What are your intended outcomes? How will your project address the lives of the people you wish to serve, including historically marginalized people within that population?

Your Executive Summary should be a stand-alone statement of the problem you will solve, and your project. It should not require any other context to clearly explain what you are seeking to accomplish.


You are required to submit a video that captures your project and why it should be funded. The video is an opportunity to showcase your passion and to pitch your story in a succinct format. We want you to share your vision with the judges in a way that is different from the written proposal format. This DOES NOT need to be a professionally produced video; video shot on a smartphone is acceptable.

In order to complete this part of your application, your team will upload a short digital film using YouTube.

Set the Privacy Settings on your video to Public or Unlisted – do not set them to Private. Video submissions should follow these guidelines or else it will render the application ineligible:  

  • 90 seconds in length maximum.
  • Your pitch must be in English, or if in another language, subtitled in English.
  • Your video must be captioned. See instructions here on how to caption YouTube videos.
  • Your video should not contain any images of identifiable children (under age 18) without express parental consent.
  • Your video should not include any copyrighted material (including, but not limited to, music) for which you do not have a license.

Here are general suggestions for delivering a high-quality video pitch:

  • Introduce yourself and your organization(s) and/or team.
  • Describe the problem that you are committed to solving.
  • Explain your project and what is unique about it.
  • Describe how you would plan to measure success and achieve meaningful impact.


Now that you’ve provided a brief overview of your project, focus on the talent and management of your team.  

Principal Organization

During registration, you identified the Principal Organization. Should you be invited to receive a grant from the Henry L. Hillman Foundation, then you must designate a Principal Organization that would be responsible for taking accountability for those grant funds, as well as providing the direction, control, and supervision for the project. The Principal Organization must be an entity under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code that has received a tax determination letter from the Internal Revenue Service. If the organization that you named during registration is not the Principal Organization, please select Edit Registration Form from the Profile menu to update this information, so that the organization identified during registration is the designated Principal Organization.

Partners (200 words)

For the Healthy Aging Challenge, you may partner with individuals, other certified 501(c)(3)s, grassroots community organizations, volunteer groups, government agencies, school districts, or other public partners, and/or any private sector entities. Name each partner and describe the relationship between the parties. If you do not have any partners, enter “Not Applicable.”

Why Your Team (250 words)

The Healthy Aging Challenge hopes to highlight existing changemakers with a track record of success. Tell us about the changemakers on your team and explain how collectively you are uniquely positioned to deliver results. Emphasize that you have the right capabilities, experience, and commitment to execute your project. Please note that your team must include older adult(s), caregivers, or other representatives from groups most impacted by the project as key members. Your response can include:

  • Your team's previous performance, breakthroughs, or relevant experience that highlights the ability to make meaningful change in this area;
  • How your team was assembled, and why you have decided to solve this problem together;
  • Description of your team’s core values, and what draws the team leaders to this project on a personal level.

Biographies of Key Staff (200 words)

For each of the top three key staff members who are responsible for the success of the project, please provide a name (First/Last), affiliation, title for the affiliated organization, and a brief biographical statement. The biographical statements should briefly emphasize the credentials and experiences which are most relevant to the project.


This section provides the opportunity for you to more fully explain the challenge you intend to address and show that you understand the nuances of the challenge that have informed your strategy.  

Challenge Statement (250 words)

Describe the specific challenge that you will address. Focus on setting the stage for your project.

  • Who is impacted by the problem or challenges identified?
  • Why does the problem exist in the current environment?
  • What are the most influential ways to affect the necessary change, and where are the leverage points where the smallest change can have the biggest impact?


This section provides the opportunity for you to more fully explain how you to intend to solve the challenge you have outlined above.  

Project Overview (250 words)

Describe what your project is or does, and how it meaningfully contributes to solving the problem.

Theory of Change (200 words)

Describe the logic of how your project will lead to the desired outcome. Your Theory of Change should read as a narrative explanation of both the projected and desired outcomes. Emphasize the methodologies that you intend to employ and how they create a causal link to your shorter-term, intermediate, and longer-term goals. As you develop your response, consider this Practical Guide for Creating a Theory of Change.

Projected Impact (200 words)

What will change as a result of your project?  Be specific. Identify those who will benefit and how you plan to use to measure your success. Describe the durability of your project.  

Engagement with Impacted Communities(200 words)
Illustrate that you know and understand the communities you intend to benefit. Explain how you’ve approached and included such individuals in the design of your project in a way that is authentic and meaningful. Please also note how you plan to continue this engagement throughout the project period.

Innovation (200 words)

Share how your approach will more efficiently and/or more effectively lead to the intended outcomes for your target beneficiaries, and how it differs from, improves upon, and/or bolsters existing methods/practices. Highlight any unique features and any other information demonstrating creativity and innovation in your project.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (200 words)

Compelling proposals will fully demonstrate a commitment to the values of diversity, equity, and inclusion. Explain how you will ensure, or have ensured, that the design and implementation of your project authentically embraces diversity, equity, and inclusion across all aspects, including people of color, persons with disabilities, religious or ethnic minorities, native/Indigenous peoples, women, gender identity, and sexual orientation.

Affirmation of Approach (250 words)

What gives you confidence that your project will work? Provide information and examples that support your thinking. These can include formal or informal studies, observations, and other indicators of change as defined by your community. If necessary, you may reference external sources.


Explain your project plan and the costs to implement your project.

Project Plan (250 words)

Provide a narrative description of your plan for implementing your project. It should contain critical tasks in a strategic sequence over one year. Your project plan should correspond to other descriptions of your budget below. This is your opportunity to explain the specific steps that you will take to achieve success.  

Budget Narrative (250 words)

Please offer a general overview for how you would use the grant award of $500,000. Your budget narrative description should include, in broad terms, total projected needs by category. You may include any explanations of existing resources that you have secured.  


Please provide a detailed budget for how the $500,000 grant would be spent. Please make sure that any funds identified in this table reflect and clarify your general explanations provided in the budget narrative above.  All budgets must total $500,000 for proposals to be eligible. You may budget up to 15% for overhead that is directly attributable to the project. General indirect costs are not allowed.

Other Funders (150 words)

If you have already received funding for this project from other sources, please describe each source of additional funding, the amount of additional funding from each source, and any stipulations imposed as a result of receiving those funds. If you have not received other sources of funds, please enter “Not Applicable.”

Financial Sustainability (150 words)

How do you plan to operate and sustain the impact of your project over time? If your plan requires additional resources in the future above and beyond the $500,000 budget to be sustainable, describe the most likely pathway for securing any additional and ongoing support. If you believe your plan will NOT require additional financial resources to be sustainable, explain why. 

Other Considerations (150 words)

This is your final opportunity to raise any other considerations. Here, you may emphasize or expand upon a previous point or provide new information, as necessary.


If you are selected for any further investigation into your capacity to receive a $500,000 grant through the Healthy Aging Challenge, then you may be required to provide additional information to the Henry L. Hillman Foundation and/or any designated representative. That information includes but is not limited to the following:

  • A Tax Determination Letter as a 501(c)(3) organization.
  • Articles of Incorporation, Charter, or similar documentation.
  • A monitoring, evaluation, and learning plan for the project.
  • Existing policies, if any, addressing conflicts of interest, whistleblower, internal controls, anti-money laundering, intellectual property, human subjects research, code of conduct, ethics, gifts, and any similar policies governing the organization(s) directly involved in the proposed project.
  • If relevant, a statement that any Henry L. Hillman Foundation grant funds will not be used for lobbying purposes.

The Henry L. Hillman Foundation reserves the right to perform background checks on key individuals associated with the project, and the refusal by the key individuals to provide necessary authorizations will be a reason to reject any application for further consideration. Background information and the results of any background checks will be kept confidential.